Monday, October 11, 2010

Is there a Docter in house?

Dr. Belle reporting to duty!

We’ve been stuck with the flu bug in our house. But alas only 50% have been stricken. C.J. had a stomach flu (mostly indigestion -no vomiting thank goodness- with some body aches), I have a head cold/ stomach flu. Belle and J-rod are still watching their backs.

I have been feeling quite sick all weekend, and then this came creeping onto my bed Sunday morning.
"Oh, quick Dr. help C.J. he’s so sick, he needs a doctor!!" I exclaimed in an attempt to entertain my brood if only for a moment.

Excitement sparkles in her eyes, as she begins her examination on her patient/brother. “Take a breath”, she instructs as she puts her plastic stethoscope on his stomach.

He obeys

“Let it out,” she instructs with the confidence of experience.

Again he obliges.

“Take a breath.” She moves her toy to his chest. “Let it out.”

“Take a breath.” This time she ‘listens’ to his shoulder. “… and out.” She then examines the back of the shoulder, and then with a stern look she turns to me ready to give her diagnoses.

“I think he is going to throw up.”
Later that same day: "Maybe we should take you to the dr. tomorrow, and he can give you a shot. And I can play with the toys! Is that a good idea?!"
Always watchin' out for momma.


Rachel said...

OMG that's hilarious!! I'm totally gonna buy her that really cool doctor play set! Sooo funny!!

Mariam said...

What a cutie. She obviously has the touch of a healer and a great imagination.

Evelyn @ Hanging by a Silver Lining said...

How cute is she? Love the pics!

Grandma B said...

That is just too cute! Hope she has all of you feeling better.

Miss M said...

Love it. Kids totally spice up life.