Monday, September 21, 2009

Just MY luck

A perk to your BF(best friend) loosing weight
-You get her totally fashionable cute pants she can’t wear

Drawback to getting your BF’s fashionable cute pants
-4 newly acquired pairs of pants that look like highwaters because of inconveniently long legs.

Anyone want some cute pants?


Mariam said...

Thanks for the laugh. You are too funny.
I thought of you the other day when Kent asked me if I noticed how great a friend looked (mind you KENT asked me, Captain oblivious). When I said, no not really. He looked at me shocked and said the guy had lost like 200 lbs. Boy am I clueless. You might have missed 20 lbs, but I missed 200!

Cannwin said...

Oh, no... I've got the perfect way to cut them off and make adorable shorts... Let me find the link, hang on. 'Course it would help if you had a sewing machine. Do you?

This is a tutorial for little kids but it will work just fine for grown up ones too.

AND if they have cute embellishments at the bottom you can cut them out and use iron on stuff to put them back up on top so you don't lose them.

I went to a bunch of garage sales last weekend and bought all these jeans for a quarter each (all had holes) and then I cut them all off and did this and my girl loves them. Score one for mom.

Okay, here

Rachel said...

I'm trying to get D to come walking with me, hoping that he'll add to my motivation. We'll see. Just keep walking then you can give more pants away!! :)

Terésa said...

Thanks cannwinn! That’s great! I'm going to use that for Belle too! (She has acquired my long legs too) Love it! Ya, I do have a sewing machine, but I'll have to bribe Mariam to help me.

Mariam! Want to help me make pants AND skirts! ;)

Cannwin said...

I love that site. She is so freakin' creative did you see her other stuff? You really need to poke around there. She also has a way to take ribbon and add it to the bottom of your daughters pants to make them seem longer.

I totally follow her.

You'll have to post a pic when you do do something.