Saturday, October 24, 2009

Better late than never??

Well, I never posted my Fourth of July pics I took of Belle, and her Parade Stopping Tutu. I didn’t tell you about that either? It was uncanny. People IN the parade would stop and take pictures of HER. It was a Proud Mama Moment.

Well, back to the pictures... it wasn’t the best time to take them (sun at high noon = HORRIBLE lighting) and Belle was in a mood, waiting for the parade to begin. The combination resulted in her refusing to pose, and making funny faces. So I tried to get creative with the editing.

Tell me what you think!!


Evelyn said...

L.O.V.E. it!!! Who knew tutus were fourth of July garb?? I love it!! WIsh I had thought of it!

Rachel said...

Love what you did with the editing. She's cute, too :)

Cannwin said...

bravo. I'm totally loving it.

Shonie said...

She looks totally cute shes got pazzaz... I also loved the editing tricks you did they looked really good.

Seleta said...

I would totally wear that! Have you thought about selling them? Or even a holiday version for each holliday? Its awesome! You are so talented!

anda - panda said...

hey, I just randomly found this while waiting for a live streaming of Skeleton WC to start (that's why it's such a weird timing). Clicking the 'next' button on the top of blogs is a great way to kill some time. anyway, I found this and I have to say - this is the cutest thing I've seen in a while. Nice job, keep it up!