Tuesday, June 24, 2008


O.k. I found this site, Tuesday Tell AllTTA (it’s over on my list -->) from a friend of mine. How it works is every week you check out TTA, and you write (on Tuesday) about the topic that is posted for that week (if you go to the blogsite, they will explain it in greater detail) Anyway, I thought it would be fun to not have to come up with the ideas to blog about all the time, and keep me blogging!! Well, I decided to do it last week and it happens to be the final week of a 5 week long topic, so I picked one from a few weeks ago that they had done. I think this is fun, and I encourage my fellow bloggers to join me!! XOXO


Answer the following with only one word.

1. Where is your cell phone? ...........None
2. Your significant other?.................Handsome
3. Your hair?.......................................Short :(
4. Your mother? ................................Friend
5. Your father?...................................Helpful
6. Your favorite thing?......................Family
7. Your dream last night?.................Baby
8. Your favorite drink.......................Milk
9. Your dream/goal?.........................Published
10. The room you're in?...................Office
11. Your children?.............................Precious
12. Your fear?....................................Water
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years...........Happy
14. Where were you last night?..............Sick
15. What you're not?.............................Single
16. Muffins......................................Blueberry
17. One of your wish list items?..........Van
18. Where you grew up?..................... Ogden
19. What you read last........................Twilight
20. What are you wearing?................Earrings :)
21. Your TV?.....................................Off
22. Your pets?...................................None
23. Your computer? ........................Friend!!
24. Your life?...................................Happy
25. Your mood?...................................Content
26. Missing someone?..................Mother-in-Law
27. Your car?....................................Small
28. Something you're not wearing?................Shoes
29. Favorite Store?..............................Old Navy
30. Your summer?.................................Starting
31. Like someone?................................Jarrod ;)
32. Your favorite color?.........................Pink
33. Last time you laughed........................Today
34. Last time you cried?.........................Sunday