Sunday, September 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Belle!!

I know it is a commen phrase, but I can’t believe it, my baby is 2! We had a small family party where, of course, she was lovingly spoiled. The biggest hits were her home-made tutu from mama, and her very own kitchen set. I didn’t get her potty-trained, but she has accomplished so many things in these past two years. She is learning her colors, even though most, according to her, are “yeyow” She talks more and more ever day, not an uncommon thing in our house ;) Her favorite game of late is to chase anyone who dare turn their back on her, with her arms in the air, “I gun gicha”. She takes care of us all, giving (insisting) us bites of her food, asking “Goo?” Putting blankets on us even when it’s 100*’s outside, and rushing to our sides pouring out hugs and kisses when she thinks we are sad or hurt. She has brought so much joy into our lives, leaving every day (and sometimes nights) an adventure.


Rachel said...

Can you GET more adorable?? The grass is actually the PERFECT backdrop with the outfit. Love it!

Mariam said...

Your pictures are soo cute. It is so much fun to have a girly girl. She sounds so much like K.

Sami said...

She's so cute! I hope she had a great day. Don't feel too bad about the potty training, my almost 2 1/2 year old was doing it for a while, and has since reverted back to diapers, much to my chagrin.