What did you expect me to list them ALL? No, it is a book I found on a bookshelf… on the kids bookshelf… of kids books. I cant really remember where I bought it. However, if memory serves correct, I bought it at D.I. when Carter was a wee one. When I was a single working mom, and wanted to have constructive activities with him.
I’ve pulled it out from time to time over the years, but it always made its way back to the same shelf. The pages were thumbed through, a thought here or there of “That’s a good activity,” or “Belle would like that,” but its fate was always the same.
I recently watched Julie & Julia. I was really touched by the movie. Maybe it was the struggling author in Julie, longing to finally write something to be noticed, that I related to. Maybe it was the Julia’s story, a house wife wanting to fill her time with something constructive that she enjoyed doing and her struggle with infertility, that drew me to her. I know that her husband Paul Child words, “You are the butter to my bread. You are the breath to my life.” will forever be etched in my brain. Whichever it was, I was awed by the clever idea of intertwining a book with your life and blogging about it.
I have been struggling with blogging. My sister who herself has an adorable blog, that is funny, appealing, and always uplifting (and can be found here) has tried to pull me out of my slump, sadly to no avail. My sweet Grandma even pleaded with me that she missed hearing about my adorable children. But I could NEVER be as witty as Mary, as crafty as Ashley, or as insightful as Cannwin, so what’s the point… I give up. (this self deprecation is merely a thought process and not a plea for praise… this once ;})
And then it hit me! This cute adorable simple book, that has been calling my name(and by proxy my children’s) for a decade gave me an idea. Well, an idea I sort of stole from the movie. For the next 365 days I’m going to do one of these activities with one or both of my kiddos… and blog about it. Starting Monday.
Good idea! That movie made me want to doing something cool with my blog too. I read blogs all day long, but have fallen out of love with keeping up my own...sad!
Way to go Terèsa! I will be waiting and watching. Love you.
Awesome Idea!! :) I can't wait to hear all about it!! :) xoxox And yes, you are too as funny and creative, WAY more than me BECAUSE I get most of my ideas from you :) xoxox
Rachel isn't the only one who has missed you. I've been wondering where you are too. You're one of the people responsible for springboarding my obsessive blogging. Thank you btw!
I loved that movie too! Totally touched me! I think this a great idea you have going here!! Wish I'd thought of it!
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