Thursday, April 15, 2010

Guest Blogger: Bella

It's hard to be me.  I'm glad I am past my "Terrible Twos" stage in my life, so I can move on to the bigger better stage of "Horrific -make my mom want bash her head against a wall- Threes".

I go around the house in attempt of forcing my subjects to succumb to my every whim.  There is a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth... mostly on my part.  But I won't give up.  One of these days they will learn.

My mom thinks sometimes I grow horns like this...
Sometimes when I look like this...
I make my mom say crazy things like,
"Don't wipe the whole table with your P.B.&J. sandwich."
"Why are there 5 TOWELS in the tub with you??"
"You don't need to lick the rocks."

But mostly I act like this...

Well, that's what my dad says.


The Redhead Riter said...

That is so cute! She is very sweet looking so I know she never grows horns! Shame on Mommy LOL

Rachel said...

That's awesome!! I'm still laughing :)

*Sheigh* said...

I am in the same boat with both of my kids. Most days I feel that they have horns holding up their halos....I want to pull my hair out most days....why is that? LOL Belle is getting soo big and soo cute!