I went to SLC this past Thursday. I was so excited. Jarrod was staying home, and even though I would miss his help with the kids, and companionship, I was glad to get away, and not have to hurry home (he is a home body, and doesn't like to venture out of town very often) A few days before we left I wasn't feeling well. I could tell I had the flu but as Thursday got closer, I started to feel better. Belle had Pink Eye the week before but we were able to get it cleared up before we left. We hurried down to SLC and I couldn't tell if I wasn’t feel well, or that I was anticipating going down without J (I'm not big on the traffic, even though I used to live down there).
The night we got there we stayed at my sisters. Belle slept for an hour, and then the rest of the night was spent with me trying to rock or soothe her as she writhed in pain from stomach cramps. Looks like she got my flu... and I got her pinkeye. Oh, the joys of mother hood, right? Luckily I had started the antibiotic earlier that week for myself because I could feel it coming on so I wasn't contagious, just miserable.
Friday was spent with family, yard-sale shopping, getting my hair done, me doing hair, and more driving.
All which I LOVE to do.
All making my miserable condition 10x worse.
I had plans to stay until Sat, maybe even Sunday. I had nothing to hurry home to, and my husband was perfectly content being home alone (he misses us terribly when we are gone and- I must confess- that is a perk... because he loves us up when we get back) But he likes the alone time (I hardly would know what to do with myself, alone, for a weekend... on payday weekend might i add-- Some people don't drink alone, I can't shop alone) So after an extensive internal debate, I decided to drive home that night.
So here I am driving home Friday night with a horrible sore throat, exhausted from only sleeping a total of 2 hours the night before with Belle, and a pink eye that wouldn't stop weeping and 'gunking' up the whole 3 hrs that I tried to wipe out so I could see, but I could feel was making the eye soreness worse. I got to North Ogden and pulled over debating with myself whether or not to call for reinforcements, or be a big girl and drive myself home. I chose the later, and hurried home to my hubby. It was one of those times that you are so grateful for your husband, and so glad to be in his arms.
So I get home, and J runs out to get dinner. Even though it was 8:00 we hadn't eaten yet. I shortly passed out, and didn't even budge until the next morning. It was one of those 'wake up in the same position you fell asleep in' nights. I proceeded to sleep all Saturday except some zombie like moments when I got out of bed to eat, or take meds..
And then it became Sunday...
Fathers Day...
Which I had PLANNED to prepare for in SLC on SATURDAY. I had EVERY intention to make his day special. But, for two whole days INCLUDING Fathers day, he spent letting me sleep. Keeping the kids at bay. Feeding them. And attending to me. I am ever so grateful for the rest, and my babies daddy.
Oh, but I was/am so bitter about the trip! It was ruined! Had I stayed I could have gone to see my cousins new home. Participated in a 'Brazilian Blowout' that is all the rage in the styling business (they are quite pricey but the education would have improved my portfolio!) Spent the night again at my sisters whom I can’t see often enough, gone swimming, done some craft shopping at stores we don‘t have in our neck of the woods... the list is endless.
I did get one big perk, though…. But I’m going to blog about that tomorrow.
You didn't tell me ANYTHING about yard-saling or the Brazilian Blow-out thing!! Grrr, I was bummed you had to leave, too, but I'm glad you arived home safe xoxox
Well, actually Amber dragged me with her before we could start on her hair. I would have gone broke I'm sure, if I had cash with me. Sometimes it's good to NOT carry cash, right?? ;)
While I was reading I was thinking, "Oh I wish I would have known, she could have stayed at my house on Fri." Then it occurred to me, what was I doing on Friday night, driving home from camping with the family, frantically trying to find an urgent care center open so I could get a strep test, then trying to find an open pharmacy.
Sounds like we had the same lousy luck with a vacation. Oh, and Kent's Father's Day was spent taking care of me and the kids and unpacking. Happy Father's Day : )
BTW you are welcome at my home anytime if you feel like you need to stop (Same goes for you Rachel).
That is so sad!! I hope you are feeling better! I would have loved to see you. Getting sick is just the pits. Come back soon!
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